The iMOOSE-Package is developed at the Dept. of Electrical
Machines (IEM), Aachen University (RWTH), Germany.
The authors are, in alphabetical order: Guido Arians, Thomas Bauer,
Christian Kaehler, Wolfgang Mai, Christoph Monzel, Dirk van Riesen
and Christoph Schlensok
If you want to include a reference to the iMOOSE-Package in a
publication, a Bibtex-Entry is appended for your convenience:
@Misc{ imoose:sourceforge,
author = {Guido Arians and Thomas Bauer and Christian Kaehler and
Wolfgang Mai and Christoph Monzel and Dirk {van Riesen} and
Christoph Schlensok},
title = {Innovative Modern Object-Oriented Solving Environment -
note = {[Online]},
howpublished = {Available:}
Publications concerning the iMOOSE-Package are listed as Bibtex-Entries
@InProceedings{ arians:cefc:00,
author = {Guido Arians and Gerhard Henneberger},
title = {Object Oriented Analysis and Design of Transient Finite
Element Solvers Applied to Coupled Problems},
pages = {449},
booktitle = {Digest of the 9th Conference on Electromagnetic Field
organization = {CEFC},
address = {},
year = {2000}
@InProceedings{ arians:compumag:01,
author = {Guido Arians and Dirk {van Riesen} and Gerhard
title = {Innovative Object Oriented Environment for Designing
Different Finite Element Solvers with Various Element Types
and Shapes},
pages = {II218--II219},
booktitle = {Record of the 13th Compumag Conference on the Computation
of Electromagnetic Fields},
volume = {II},
organization = {Compumag},
address = {Evian, France},
month = jul,
year = {2001}
@Book{ arians:diss:01,
author = {Guido Arians},
title = {{Numerische Berechnung der elektromagnetischen
Feldverteilung, der strukturdynamischen Eigenschaften und
der Ger{\"a}usche von Asynchronmaschinen}},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
note = {{Dissertation, Institut f{\"u}r Elektrische Maschinen, RWTH
address = {Aachen, Germany},
year = {2001}
@InProceedings{ bauer:isem:99,
author = {Thomas Bauer and Wolfgang Mai and Gerhard Henneberger},
title = {Improved Object Oriented Solution of the Couples 3D
Electro-Magnetic and Structural-Dynamic Problem Using
Brick-Shaped Elements with Regard to Induction Furnaces},
pages = {??--??},
booktitle = {??},
organization = {ISEM},
address = {??},
month = {???},
year = {1999}
@InProceedings{ kaehler:compumag:01,
author = {Christian Kaehler and Gerhard Henneberger},
title = {Eddy Current Computation in the Claws of a Synchronous
Claw Pole Alternator in Generator Mode},
pages = {II40--II41},
booktitle = {Record of the 13th Compumag Conference on the Computation
of Electromagnetic Fields},
volume = {II},
organization = {Compumag},
address = {Evian, France},
month = jul,
year = {2001}
@Article{ kaehler:transmag:02,
author = {Christian Kaehler and Gerhard Henneberger},
title = {Eddy Current Computation in the Claws of a Synchronous
Claw Pole Alternator in Generator Mode},
pages = {1201--1204},
journal = {IEEE Transaction on Magnetics},
volume = 38,
number = 3,
month = mar,
year = {2002}
@InProceedings{ mai:compumag:99,
author = {Wolfgang Mai and Gerhard Henneberger},
title = {Object-Oriented Design of Finite Element Calculations with
Respect to Coupled Problems},
booktitle = {12th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic
organization = {COMPUMAG},
pages = {654--655},
volume = {2},
address = {Sapporo, Japan},
year = {1999}
@Book{ mai:diss:99,
author = {Wolfgang Mai},
title = {{Dreidimensionale transiente Berechnung der Feld- und
Temperaturverteilung ferromagnetischer B{\"a}nder in
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
note = { {Dissertation, Institut f{\"u}r Elektrische Maschinen, RWTH
Aachen} },
address = {Aachen, Germany},
year = {1999}
@InProceedings{ monzel:compumag:01,
author = {Christoph Monzel and Gerhard Henneberger},
title = {Object-Oriented Design of a Visualisation Tool on Top of a
{FEM} Package},
booktitle = {13th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic
organization = {COMPUMAG},
pages = {216--217},
volume = {2},
address = {Evian, France},
month = jul,
year = {2001}